At the new marina near the White Sails Solina beach, an offer has been created for chartering a selected watercraft. During the cruise, participants have the opportunity to use VR technology and virtual reality glasses to immerse themselves in history and travel to the village of Solina, which was flooded years ago to create Lake Solina.
Virtual Solina
The project "Increasing the Competitiveness of Połonina – Kurort Sp. z o.o. through the Implementation of an Innovative Service Based on VR Technology in the Area of Lake Solina" is financed by Norwegian funds.
Priority axis 19 Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, measure 19.1 New Products and Investments, sub-measure 19.1.2 Innovations in the area of inland or marine waters - Blue growth Project title: "Increase in the competitiveness of Połoniny - Kurort Sp. z o. o. through the implementation of an innovative service in the area of Lake Solina based on VR technology"
Project goal: Launching a new, innovative virtual walk service around the flooded village of Solina based on the charter of floating units equipped with VR glasses. Financing: EUR 502,697.40.
Total project value: PLN 4,035,400.00. Beneficiary: Połoniny Kurort Sp. . z o. o.
The project "Increasing the Competitiveness of Połonina – Kurort Sp. z o.o. through the Implementation of an Innovative Service Based on VR Technology in the Area of Lake Solina" is financed by Norwegian funds. Norwegian funds are exclusively financed by Norway and are available in countries that joined the EU after 2003. The Norwegian funds for the years 2014-2021 amount to 1.25 billion euros.